1962 Born in Ljubljana, Slovenia
1989 Graduated from Academy of Fine Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1991 Completed postgraduate studies of sculpture at the Academy o Fine Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Full Professor at Educational Faculty, University of Maribor,Slovenia
I live in Ljubljana and work in Ljubljana and Maribor, Slovenia
Dunajska 210,
SI 1131 Ljubljana
email address: dusan.zidar@gmail.com
skype: spiromason
viber: dušan zidar
2019 / Dorian – Dorian Gray, solo exhibiton in Contemporay Art Center of Montenegro, Podgorica, MNE
2018 / Recitative notation of air scanning Morse patterns at Njegoš’s and Prešeren’s monuments in Ljubljana, solo perfomance, Gallery 42, Cetinje, MNE
Zgoščevanje = Densifying, Municipal exhibiton place Ljubljana, Ljubljana, SLO
2017 / Demorsing sound landscape, solo perfomance, SHARE NYC, Brooklyn
2016 / Noise from system, premiere of sound composition on RadioCona, FM Exhibition, Ljubljana SLO
2015 / Sound from squares, solo noise and visual performance on Noise we are Festival of Autumn Echos, Cirkulacija2 Center, Ljubljana, SLO
Net rrjet –2015: international exhibition, VII edition, Restart, Expoart.40, Prishtina, Kosovo Republic
Technological Mutants, solo noise and visual performance, EARZOOM festival and MUSIC TECH FEST platform, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana,
2014 / From waste to art : exhibition of works of the 4th International Culture, Art and Effective Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey
2013 / Fine Art Exhibition in the First international meeting of Turkish, Caucasian, Balkans, Central Asia and Arabic artists : Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey,
/ Net Rrjet 2013 – trans net – techo ethics, gallery of Faculty of engineering and architecture, Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo
/ 50th Anniversaries of Municipal Gallery Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
/ POOLLOOP, Intermedia festival, Zurich, Swiss / as Theremidi Orchestra
/ Slovenian Artist in Montenegro, Mojkovac, Montenegro
/ IX. International Meeting of Art / “Old bridge”, Bijelo Polje, Montenegro
/ International meeting of Turkish, Caucasian, Balkans, Central Asia and Arabic Artists, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey
/ Triennial U3 conteporary Slovene Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia /as Theremidi Orchestra
/ Piksel Riot 13, Intermedia festival, Bergen, Norway /as Theremidi Orchestra
2012 / Ankara Art Meeting Ankart, Cagsav, Ankara, Turkey
/ LEVITATIONS, Rectorate, University of Maribor, Slovenia
/ 8th INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF ARTS, Bijelo Polje, Montenegro
2011 / 7th INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF ARTS, Bijelo Polje, Montenegro
/ Red Zone : Exhibition Place Novi Rotovž, UGM Maribor, Slovenia
/ Game Over : Udruženje likovnih umjetnika Crne Gore, Podgorica, Montenegro
/ Dangerous Liaisons : DLUM Gallery, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
2010 / STORY OF 6th INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF ARTS, Bijelo Polje, Montenegro
/ Zaedno Vo Skopje / Together In Skopje, Art Faktor, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
/ Sculpture Today, Galerija sodobne umetnosti Celje, Celje, Slovenia
/ Net Rrjet, Gallery EKSPOART.40, Prishtine, Republika Kosova
2009 / Poem_Balada.Info : Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti, Slovenj Gradec,Slovenia
2007 /Topos Of Urban Organisms: Graz, Klagenfurt, Cmurek,Bad Radkersburg,
Murska Sobota, Ptuj, Maribor :Interreg IIIA EU project
2004/2005 THE NEW TEN: Contemporary art from the 10 new member nations of the Europian Union : eine Ausstellung der Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e.V. Bonn in Kooperation, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany, Museum voor Moderne Kunst Oostende,Belgium, Künstlerhaus,
Wien, Austria, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Germany
/ Expanded Arts Facilities: Slovenian Art 19851995 : exhibition in Museum of Modern art, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2005
/ Columns: situation for tree columns, exhibitions in Hall of the Education Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
/ Talk To Yourself Area: Maka galerija Kranj,Kranj, Slovenia
/ Voruebergehend & Izgubljanje Spominov, together with together with Salome Haettenschweiler, gallery Media Nox, Maribor, Slovenia