EKO 9 – STUBBORN BEINGS – More Than Human Shadows
Through a STEAM Perspective
The project “Stubborn Beings: More Than Human Shadows” delves into a perspective that goes
beyond the anthropocentric view of the world. The recent pandemic has halted most human
activities and unveiled the invisible natural processes and beings operating in the background.
These have become visible as they persist despite our altering, reducing, and destroying their
habitats. If the disappearance of species and habitat loss due to human activity used to be
considered merely as a theory based on statistics and scientific warning, the halt of human activities
during the quarantine time reveals the full extent of human involvement.
Thus, the diminishing habitability of the Earth demands the exploration of fresh perspectives and
innovative solutions. The upcoming generations of artists embrace interdisciplinarity, incorporating
knowledge, tools, and strategies from various fields to prompt changes in human behavior and
perceptions of the natural world. For decades, new technologies have helped us understand the
world beyond humans, enabling us to comprehend phenomena and create artwork. In these critical
times, artists play a key role in challenging established norms, expanding our understanding of
boundaries, and shaping new visions for our shared future.
At Tyrševa 19, we observed stubborn beings where human inactivity in the garden and on the
building served as a starting point for our artworks. The mask helped us conceal our human identity,
and while performing, we tried to empathise with the roles of stubborn beings during their own
decay, decomposition, and growth. We explored the effects of nature’s actions, rain, and mold on
the fence garden and facade of the building; we created soundscapes, conducted culinary
experiments, and explored their augmented reality. We also investigated the context of the building,
which formerly housed a lung-health clinic, by interviewing a former patient. We considered the
possible consequences of radiography on the natural and built environment.
The map we present as a part of the “Stubborn Beings: More Than Human Shadows” project marks
the locations in the garden where we placed our artworks. It guides visitors in exploring these
pieces while also demanding their vigilant observation. As stubborn beings – the non-human
organisms – are both visible and yet hidden, so are our artworks. To be able to comprehend them,
not only technological devices but also a considerable degree of sensitivity is required – only then
will our coexistence be possible.
Concept Design: MFA Nayari Castillo, Assoc. Prof. Polonca Lovšin, Ph.D., Full Prof. Dušan Zidar
(listed alphabetically)
Project Mentors: Assoc. Prof. Polonca Lovšin, PhD, Full Prof. Dušan Zidar
Students: 2nd and 3rd year of Art Education, Faculty of Education, University of Maribor (students
listed alphabetically)